7 Biggest Misconceptions Business Owners Have About Their Tax Returns

One of the biggest hurdles you’ll face in running your own business is staying on top of your numerous obligations to federal, state, and local tax agencies. Tax codes seem to be in a constant state of flux making the Internal Revenue Code barely understandable to most people. The old legal saying that “ignorance of the law is no excuse” …

Advantages of Limited Liability Companies

Combining the Best Aspects of Partnerships and Corporations A Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is not a corporation, although it offers many of the same advantages. An LLC is best described as a combination of a corporation and a partnership. LLCs offer the limited liability of a corporation, while allowing more flexibility in managing the business and organization. An LLC …

Advantages of Incorporating

Why Incorporate? All legal and tax professionals agree, if your business is not incorporated you may be throwing away thousands of dollars in tax savings and deductions. In addition, all of your personal assets such as your home, cars, boats, savings and investments are at risk and could be used to satisfy any law suits, debt or liability incurred by …

7 Ways To Save Even More Income Taxes

Did you know you can use your previously funded IRA to fund the current year’s deductible contributions? Well, you can. If you don’t have enough cash to make a deductible contribution to your IRA by April 15th (2015), here is how you can still take the tax deduction for tax year 2014. To get started, all you need is an …

Tax Planning For Small Business Owners

Tax planning is the process of looking at various tax options in order to determine when, whether, and how to conduct business and personal transactions to reduce or eliminate tax liability. Many small business owners ignore tax planning. They don’t even think about their taxes until it’s time to meet with their accountants, but tax planning is an ongoing process …

10 Retirement Saving Tips

Save As Much As You Can As Early As You Can. Though it’s never too late to start, the sooner you begin saving, the more time your money has to grow. Gains each year build on the prior year’s — that’s the power of compounding, and the best way to accumulate wealth. Set Realistic Goals. Project your retirement expenses based …

Using Mobile Apps with QuickBooks

In days gone by, running a company was a 40-hour per week proposition. You might have taken work home some evenings or gone into the office on weekends. Those days are over, thanks to the internet and mobile technology. This fundamental change in the way we do business means that it’s now hard to get away from work. Your smartphone …

Tax Tips for Members of the Military

Special tax benefits apply to members of the U. S. Armed Forces. For example, some types of pay are not taxable. And special rules may apply to some tax deductions, credits and deadlines. Here are ten of those benefits: Deadline Extensions. Some members of the military, such as those who serve in a combat zone, can postpone some tax deadlines. …

Tax Tips for Students with a Summer Job

Is your child a student with a summer job? Here’s what you should know about the income your child earns over the summer. All taxpayers fill out a W-4 when starting a new job. This form is used by employers to determine the amount of tax that will be withheld from your paycheck. Taxpayers with multiple summer jobs will want …

Travel & Entertainment: Maximizing Tax Benefits

Tax law allows you to deduct two types of travel expenses related to your business, local and what the IRS calls “away from home.” First, local travel expenses. You can deduct local transportation expenses incurred for business purposes such as the cost of getting from one location to another via public transportation, rental car, or your own automobile. Meals and …